Katherine H. Kim

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President, Senior Research Scientist

Ph.D.: Scripps Institution of Oceanography & Dept. of Electrical Engineering, University of California, San Diego, CA (Electrical Engineering, Applied Ocean Sciences), 2002
B.S.: University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Champaign, IL (Physics), 1991

Dr. Katherine Kim specialized in research problems in underwater acoustics and signal processing as a postdoctoral researcher at Scripps Institution of Oceanography and then as a senior scientist at Heat, Light, & Sound Research, La Jolla, California. Her background includes work in adaptive and robust signal processing methods for detection and localization of ocean acoustic signals, covariance estimation and source motion effects on adaptive array processing and matched field processing, investigations into acoustic pressure sensitivities to uncertainties in 3-D sound speed fields, ocean reverberation modeling, underwater acoustic communications, and ocean engineering. Dr. Kim has extensive sea-going experience and holds advanced SCUBA and coastal cruising certifications. Her current research areas involve the passive acoustic monitoring of marine mammals and the acoustic propagation associated with their vocalizations, ranging from a variety of dolphin in the Pacific Ocean to sperm whales in the Gulf of Mexico to bowhead whales in the Arctic Ocean. Since joining Greeneridge in June 2008, Dr. Kim has collected and analyzed acoustic data in the Alaskan Arctic to model and measure anthropogenic and bowhead whale sounds. She is a member of the Acoustical Society of America and the IEEE.  Download curriculum vitae (PDF, 88 KB).

Katherine H. Kim

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Santa Barbara, CA 93111-2526 USA
Tel: 805.967.7720
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